If you are thinking about making a will or have questions about probate law in Ireland you have come to the right place.
On MakingAWillIreland.com you will find information about
- How to make a will
- Probate law and the administration of estates in Ireland
- Intestacy
- Why you should make a will
- Common mistakes in making a will
- How to create a will trust and
- The benefits of trusts
- Spouses’ and children’s rights under the Succession Act, 1965
- How to extract a grant of probate
- Capital acquisitions tax
- And more.
You will also find information about the rights and duties of executors, trustees, and guardians; how to manage the distribution of an estate and deal with claims; and how to deal with benefits and beneficiaries; how and why you might want to set up a trust.
In short, anything to do with trusts, probate law and wills in Ireland.